Jeremy Parsons releases single ‘Tickin’

Jeremy Parsons has released their single ‘Tickin” combining the sounds of alt-country and rock to create this insane piece. This piece is one of those that definitely hooks you in within a second, with the rather enticing sound that continues to play through. Making sure to let everything come flowing together in the best way. Keeping that rather distinct sound flowing from start to finish.

As for the overall vocal aspects that play through, it keeps these rather rough-textured vocals flowing through. Having this slight intense sound that comes through in the atmosphere, as it irrupts into this fantastic instrumental, that creates this rather powerful sound overall. Definitely, making sure to let every element that is embedded stand out in the best possible way.

As soon as it starts, till the very moment it ends, you’re hooked on the sound that Jeremy portrays. It is one of those tracks, that you definitely feel yourself wanting to listen in as soon as it starts and one to have on repeat for sure. Making you really want to delve into what it has to offer in general.

This is a track, that is definitely a piece that offers a lot to its audience, from the excellent instrumental to the stand-out vocal elements from Jeremy himself. It’s one of those tracks that you feel yourself getting hooked on within a few seconds, this piece definitely lets the talent that Jeremy portrays come through in the best way.

‘Tickin” is a piece, that you definitely want to delve right into, it’s a brilliant piece of music and one that deserves all the recognition it gets. Jeremy certainly knew what he was doing with this piece and that shows throughout, if you haven’t checked out this track yet, then definitely be sure to, you won’t want to miss this one!

Make sure to keep up to date with Jeremy Parson’s over on Facebook and Instagram.

Check out Jeremy Parson’s single ‘Tickin’’ over on Spotify.

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